Friday, October 8, 2010

Chapter 2 --with the Samans(12 questions)

Hello, Girls, there are 12 questions waiting for us to discuss.  Please post your comments and enjoy discussing!!!!

1. Describe Siddhartha's life with the Samanas with  the Samans.

2.What is Siddhartha's goal as an ascetic?

3.What is the great secret? What means does Siddhartha use to try to attain the great secret?

4.Where else does Siddhartha believe he could have learned what he learned with the Samanas?

5.What does Siddhartha believe the eldest Samana will never attain?

6.What is the knowledge that is everywhere?

7.What is the worst enemy of Atman?

8.Who is Gotama?

9.What did the Buddha give to the people?

10.What path did the Buddha follow before he reached inner peace?

11What does Siddhartha do to the eldest Samana?

12.What does Govinda say Siddhartha would have learned if he stayed with the Samanas?


  1. 5. Siddhartha never believe the eldest Samana because Siddhartha had learned the knowldge of Samana. He understood and found that never gave him become happier and enlightenment.

  2. Who is Gotama?
    Sotama is the Buddha. He also is the Illustri ous, the Sskyamuni whi is an enlightenment.

  3. Buddha give to the people of well and ill, in praise and in scorn. He also had performed wonders, had conquenred the devil. hadd spoke with gods. Thus,he usually hope everybody who live in the world give more happier and peace.

  4. 6--I think the knowledge that is everywhere means there is soul-Atman in every creature. Everyone has soul in their mind.

  5. Dear Phongcahn,I think the answer of No.5 is the eldest Samana will never attain Nirvana. Read page 18......What do you think, dear Rosy?

  6. 10. He had attained Nirvan and never returned on the cycle, he plunged no more into the troubled stream of forms that Siddhartha follow before he reacherd inner peace.

  7. 7--What is the worst enemy of Atman? I think people still have their desires and cannot find a way to attain Nirvana is the worst enemy of Atman.
    I am not sure my thinking is right or not. I tried to realize the deepest meaning of this question. brain is totally toasted now.

  8. 8--I think Gotama is the Buddha, who had conquered in himself and had brought to a standstill the cycle of rebirth. Gotama who wears yellow cloak preaches in many countries and has many disciples. He does not have any possessions, houses and wife.
