Friday, October 8, 2010

Ch 4--Awakening

Ch. 4 Study Questions: “Awakening”

1. What do you make of this quote and how, if at all, can you relate it to your own experiences: “…for to recognize causes, it seemed to him, is to think, and through thought alone feelings become knowledge and are not lost, but become real and begin to mature.”
2. To what realization does Siddhartha “awaken”? Why is his sense of isolation called “the last shudder of his awakening” (42)?
3. What does Part One seem to suggest about the purpose, advantages, and disadvantages of education?
4. Track Siddhartha’s progress through Part One. In terms of Hindu or Buddhist understanding, what path or paths has Siddhartha been traveling? On what path, if any, do we find him at the end of Part One?


  1. Chapter 4
    Question 3. What does Part One seem to suggest about the purpose, advantages, and disadvantages of education?
    I think, part 1 of the novel suggests that the purpose of education is to learn to critically think and know about self and the purpose of life. The advantage of education is to be able to analyze the matter and the disadvantage of education is, you get dissatisfied to realize that learning is endless and it is a difficult task to attain what you want.

  2. Question1--this quote seems like have very deepest meaning. After class discussing, I recognized that if we can experience everything by ourselves, we will know what is everything.
